Yesterday, instead of paying attention in German, I made this list. Enjoy. There's no particular order.
- confident, but not pompous
- intelligent
- spiritual, but not intimidatingly so
- good with kids
- loves his family
- curteous
- returned missionary
- generally happy
- sensitive, but not overly emotional
- prefers not to watch chick flicks
- likes to read
- loves to learn
- funny
- will be silly with me
- polite
- has a geeky side
- congenial
- treats me like a princess, but doesn't overdo it
- knows his limits, financially and personally (as related to the previous statement)
- wants to spend time with me and family, but doesn't require me for happiness (i.e. he isn't depressed when away from us)
- thinks for himself, doesn't require approval
- strong
- optimistic, but realistic
- understanding
- slow to anger
- makes me feel beautiful & delicate with actions, not only words
- appreciates the arts & beauty in nature
Those were the required ones. These are optional:
- Tall
- blue eyes
- curly hair
- plays soccer
- buff (large in stature)
- fashion sense (well, not fashionably inept)
- sings or is musical
- washes the dishes :)
So there you have it. My perfect man in a nutshell. Maybe I'll add to it later.