Thursday, October 28, 2010


I haven't written about my life here's wassup
I've been making Christmas cards almost constantly for the past three mom and I decided to make Etsy businesses, so greeting cards are mine. I should get some of them up tomorrow (hopefully), so check my shop out when you've got the chance.
I've rediscovered that oftentimes logic and reality don't coincide. have to take a leap of faith and accept the truth, then God will fill in the gaps.
I love fall. It's my favorite season. It only lasts a couple of weeks here...but I love it. It hasn't snowed yet, oddly enough.
Even with my love of the beautiful Colorado autumn, I wish I wish I wish it was Christmas. I've wanted it to be Christmas for at least two months already...I absolutely adore Christmas with all of my heart. Can it be here yet?
It's amazing how two piano students can have completely different issues. It's also amazing how easily seven year olds are distracted.
I miss BYU.
I finally did something I've been needing to do for a VERY long time. Years. and more years. I'm glad I got it over with.
Did you know you can add scents to embossing powder? Cinnamon Christmas cards, here I come.
I've had terrible insomnia for the past week or so...mine brain just won't shut up. Over nothing.
I love math.
and engineering.
and music.
and art.
and life.


The internet has become an interesting's own entity (also see this one and this), with it's own laws.
Governments think they can control it, but nothing can contain the vastness of this land of Internet.
Within this new world, social norms have been broken: sex, stalking, and free stuff run rampant.
I suppose, in a way, this is the digital form of anarchy.
Does anyone else find it strange that so much of the things online are free?
There is free entertainment (games, movies, tv shows), free education, free news...there are even free programs and applications for computers, along with everything that goes with it. There's free art, free can even become a minister for free!
Outside of the internet, most of these luxuries are not available so freely. People rarely shared any of the things that are shared online with many people for free before the internet became such a large part of society.
So this begs the question...what on Earth does this mean??
It means that we don't need what we currently have: laws. Not anarchy...just less laws. "That government is best governs least," after all. Many people in this country, and world, have discovered what it's like to freely share with others; you don't have to worry about paying anyone or getting paid for something that you really just want to share.
So do we even need money anymore?
Yes. Not everyone has pure intentions online...most have pretty darn pure intentions, with some selfish gain involved (look awesome I am at music/art/writing/sports/etc!). We're only human; we're naturally selfish beings. However, we might be on the road to living in a moneyless society. Not communism...Just naturally giving and receiving without greed. Ok...maybe communism in its purest, least corrupt form. Or the Law of Consecration, in a realistic way for today's society.
The internet has become a piece of Utopia, and a piece of Hell. It's the only place where almost anyone can speak completely freely.
It's my favorite place in the world.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remember Remember

I watched Remember the Titans a few days ago, and it really got me thinking about racism.
We have a racism problem in our country, but it's different than ever before: not only are whites against blacks and blacks against whites, but many are racist towards others of their own race as well.
In America, we have many cultures coming together, forged into a new culture. Every other nation has had the ability to evolve into what they are now, but America has completely chosen its destiny. The problem is, this is difficult when there are so many competing inherited ideas.
Now, it is great to embrace and respect our own and others' cultural heritage. It is a defining characteristic of most people. However, Americans, especially white Americans, have no cultural heritage, as our forefathers sought to forge their own past, present, and future, separate from the world. It's true, I could get in touch with my German, Swedish, French, and British roots, and I want to. However, most white Americans don't particularly care about their heritage. Because of this, many whites find it somewhat difficult to respect others' cultures. Yes, it's cool and fun to watch and experience other cultures, but it doesn't really matter that much. Let's go see a movie.
The cultures existing inside the U.S. have come to cling to one another. Many have decided that it should define an individual to the point that it controls one's ideas, beliefs, and goals. As part of the founding ideals of America, though, we believe in individualism; that every one is entitled to his or her own views, regardless of socioeconomic status, religion, or race. This isn't to say that someone can't choose to embrace the ideas of their culture or religion (I strive to live the ideals of my religion in all areas of my life), but because of the push for individual recognition and the idea that everyone should be defined by their culture, there has become a clash of ideas in this country. There has come to be a fine line between having cultural influences in one's life and racism.
There shouldn't be hatred or scorn towards those that choose paths different from those of their typical cultural or religious ideals.
An easy way to completely rid the world of racism is to completely eradicate culture. Instead, let's embrace the individual with their culture, with no stereotypical judgments based on beliefs, ideas, or color.
It's worth a shot.

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
~The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, by Joseph Smith


I spent about 178 hours without the internet a few weeks ago. I didn't even turn on my computer. Ok...I did actually go onto my mom's computer once to get a recipe for dinner, but that doesn't really count. I relied a lot on ChaCha for information...which didn't help when I ran out of questions.
Truthfully, the first few days were really, really hard. Every time I was bored, I'd go to get online...but no. On Tuesday I didn't even have access to the internet, which was good. By the end of the week, I was just curious about what I was missing, but I didn't need to get online. Instead...I actually did things.
I went to the library on Monday
Spent the day soul-searching on Tuesday, including a 20 minute, bare-foot walk home when I got locked out of the condo where I was without my keys, shoes, or phone.
I finally painted my room.
My mom's homeschool class reenacted the battle of Gettysburg with squirt guns on Thursday.
I decided to learn how to tune pianos.
Basically, the week helped me learn that the internet, and computers, really need to be more of a tool than a source of entertainment in my life. I rely too much on them.
(I know this is really late...but I've been sidetracked. I'm trying to post old things today that never got posted for whatever reason)


For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
~Leonardo da Vinci
For a while now, I have felt a deep, inexplicable yearning to fly. I love flying in planes, but this…this is different. More. I look up on a perfectly clear day, and feel joy at the mere thought of soaring through the intense blue of the sky. I see myself gliding with the wind, dancing with the birds, and twisting through the clouds. I would give anything to laugh in the rain or fall with the snow, the crystalline flakes collecting in my hair.
I used to dream of falling…then missing the ground and soaring to great heights with a freedom unseen in my waking life. I can only imagine the joy I’d feel if my flight were reality.
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941

Oh, that I were a bird...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This is what I'm thinking

So I found a cool website ( that inspired me. helped an idea already in my head.
Basically, I'm going to take a vacation.
No, I'm not going anywhere. It's from the internet. It's sort of become my life these past few months, so I'm going to take a week off.

What I want to do:
Meditate, pray, and fast for 24 hours straight. Ok...there might be some sleeping in there. But you get the idea. Completely alone.
Finish painting my room. There are only two it shouldn't be too hard.
Finish some paintings I've started
Figure out my monetary needs
Christmas presents!
Spend a lot of time outside. It was my main source of peace in Utah, and I've abandoned it. I need to get back to it.
Start wogging. I fail at running.
Play some of the video games I have, computer, wii, and game boy. I love them. don't judge.
Do math!
Record some songs I've been meaning to record...including my entry for Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir. Which I will need to go online for...hmm...maybe not this week then. But I can practice!
Do something to get more politically involved/informed. Colorado's state government sucks, and we're voting on some interesting measures next month.
Read two excellent books. Unless the book's really long...then only one.
Finish the 1500 piece puzzle my mom and I started today.
Watch Amazing Grace. Because I love that movie.

I suppose I should copy this list so I don't have to go online to get it...