Monday, December 15, 2008


This isn't my first blog ever...but I'll try to remember it more than the others :)

So I'm at the end of my first semester of BYU. I've taken one final, with two more to go. This is what I've learned this semester:
  1. Eat food before sitting in the hot sun at a football game and before choir concerts. i.e. fainting is not fun.
  2. I shouldn't take a class at 8:30 am. semester I'm going to be working at 8 every day. I guess my job is punishment for missing 5 classes this semester in my Old Testament Roots of the Book of Mormon class.
  3. Doing homework helps your grade. Imagine that.
  4. Not studying ever in high school makes it so I don't know how to study in college. Luckily my mad memory skills have finally decided to kick in so I don't fail my finals.
  5. It's not true about all the dates people go on about that people go on at BYU. I haven't been asked out once. That doesn't mean I'm happy about that. Also, it isn't likely that a girl will get engaged her first semester at BYU. I've only heard about like...three.
  6. Professors at BYU actually care about you. So different from high school. And probably any other university.
  7. I am apparently depressing, even if I don't realize it. My home ward thinks I'm depressed because of Facebook. Since when do adults have Facebook anyway?
  8. Laptop DVD drives are not region-free. You can only change the region on them 4-5 times. Prior to 2000, this was not the case. Also, only my brand of DVD is not able to be bypassed by firmware to make it region-free. So I can't watch my German DVDs without risking being stuck on Region 2.
  9. Money is easy to lose track of when you think you have a lot. Then you have less than $100 and are somehow supposed to pay tuition for next semester. I think I'll budget better next semester.
  10. Even after moving eight times, I don't make friends easily. Imagine that.
So this semester has been fun. Sometimes. I loved Women's Chorus, and I don't know what to major in anymore. I was going to major in Music Education, but I don't want music to be stressful like it is for Whitney and Courtney. Plus, I don't want to live without my true love: math. So I'm thinking either Early Childhood Education or Mechanical Engineering, with perhaps a double major in German and a minor in Music. Fun, right?

So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.

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