Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finals are over! (For me at least)

So I did miserably on two finals today. I hate it when I go out of a test thinking I did well, then seeing that I was wrong. Oh well. The semester is over. Tomorrow morning, I have to do Hazcom training, make a deposit for my job uniform, take my social security card to the student employment center, clean my room, cupboard, and the bathtub, have my RA check me off, then I'm going to a birthday party for Luke, and he's taking me to the airport at around 12:30. It's going to be fun...
Tonight was the last time I'll see some of my fhe brothers. One of them isn't sure if he's coming back next least as far as I know. I hope he is, I like him. He's a fun guy. Then again, we could get a bunch of new cool fhe brothers next semester. Also, a girl in my building got engaged tonight, and a girl in the other girls' building in our ward is also engaged. It's so weird...But that is normal here at BYU. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more. First semester over. Time to go.

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