Saturday, May 8, 2010


I read a book today called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I learned While Editing My Life. It was about creating stories and memories. I've come to realize that I don't remember much about my life. I never did anything of note...I have no reason to really have memories. The author, Dan, realized that he had the same problem, and so he decided to create memories, to create stories. I want to do that. I want to do something with my life. The thing is, he has something that I don't: money. There are things I can do without money, but not much. I can't get anywhere. I wish I could be a child again, and find adventures in my own backyard. 
I need to get away. I need to escape for a few days. This is something I'd want to do with a good friend or a significant other, but my friends are far away and the second... I can't though. I want to go to the Pacific Northwest, to the beach. I want to go to New England and see America's history. Those are the only two places I can go in the United States to get away from my life...a downfall of having lived everywhere. I just want a vacation from life. 
The other day I found a list of tips for life on stumbleupon. One particularly struck me:
Envision your ultimate life. What would your ultimate life be like? Where would you live, what would you do, what would you do with your days? Come up with a clear picture of this, and write it down. Now, one step at a time, make it come true.
 I want to do this. There have been so many distractions lately though...I really need to get away from everything to do it. I need a goal in life. I got lost somewhere along the way, and now I'm looking to get back. But to where? That is the question.

1 comment:

  1. one step at a time!

    also, rachael, seriously, i've been wanting this kind of thing!!! (the tips for life). like, when i sit down at my computer after having checked gmail, blog, FB, etc, i've wanted something like this. DANKE.
