Tuesday, November 16, 2010

On the road again

Sooo.......I'm going to Utah this week. Which is great. It might be a little weird at first...just because I'm visiting my school, my roommates who are living with different people...a life that isn't mine anymore.
The thing is, lately I've been kind of wondering if I even want to go back at all (next spring---not to visit. don't worry. I'm still coming). I'm tired of all of this change every few months. Sometimes, I just want to stay here and get married. Then I could plan for the future and finally just get on with my life. All of the stress of choosing a major, auditioning for choir, finding somewhere to live, dumb roommate fights...I'm done with it. I do want to go back, and finally be in Singers, live with my friends and everything that made me happy; but I guess I need to decide if it's worth it. Would I be ok with giving it up?
I don't know anymore. I guess that's what prayer's for...

but what if God tells me I shouldn't go back?
decisions, decisions.

((can't wait to visit on Thursday!))

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait either! whoo!!!!!

    p.s. yes, i know it's hard, but sometimes hard things can be SO worth it.
