Sunday, January 31, 2010

Random Happenstances

I have a story to tell.

Once upon a time, I was in my Tuesday night class, Psychology of Performance. Halfway through class (it's a two hour class), my professor said that he was dismissing the class for twenty minutes. We were to go perform for three random people in this time (I did not hear the part about three people, so I only performed for one person). When leaving the classroom, I decided to wander over to the Cougareat in the Wilk, and just serenade some poor unsuspecting soul eating his dinner. As I entered the Cougareat, I looked around for someone to sing to. A nice-looking boy smiled at me, so I walked over to him and explained my assignment. For some reason, I had decided to sing "I Am a Child of God" instead of messing around, so I had a rather large group of people staring at me by the time I finally finished. The boy complimented me, introduced himself, and told me he'd like to run into me again. Well, it was about time for me to be getting back to class. I said goodbye, and walked back to the HFAC, wondering if anything would ever come out of that random meeting.
A few days later, I decided to look him up on facebook, just to see if I could find him. There he was, the first result. I don't know what possessed me to click the button, but I added him as a friend. Nothing really happened for a few days, he accepted, and life went on. A little while later, I figured that I should probably tell him who I was, in case he didn't remember. I don't know if he remembered, but he replied and again said that he'd like to meet me again. One thing led to another, and this Tuesday at 2, I'm meeting him for lunch.

The end.

or is it the beginning?

I wouldn't have a problem with this, except for two things: I like someone else, and my mother and sister are trying to get me to move on and like the guy in the aforesaid story. Which makes me angry, since they are judging he who I already like without even knowing him. I should never have told them the story. Or anything. However, life goes on.
Life is good.
And happiness comes to those who wait...and read their scriptures and pray.

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