Monday, January 25, 2010

2009 --- 2010

It's a new year. It's almost the end of the first month of the new year. The second decade of the 21st century is finally here. I'll be 20 in exactly two weeks. And what's going on in my life? Pretty much the same thing as a year ago. However, I am infinitely happier. Isn't it weird how little things can change everything? I read my scriptures every day, I pray often, I wake up and decide to be happy. When I look back at my days and weeks since the year began, I see the happiest three weeks of my life. I have plenty to keep me down, like the fact that my grades were terrible this last year so I have to work really hard this semester, or my enduring "single" status. No, I find joy in my wonderful classes like math and psychology of performance, which challenges me every week. I had to go perform for a random person, so I sang "I Am a Child of God" for a random guy in the Cougareat. It was a good experience. This year has been good. One thing could make it better, but it's not looking like it's going to happen, so I'll live.
I guess I should evaluate 2009. And the decade. I'll start with the decade.
When this decade, century, and millennium began, I was 9 years old. I turned 10 two months later in Austin, Texas. I moved...five times this decade. Henderson, Eppstein, Marietta, Parker, Provo. I finished elementary school, middle school, and high school, and my first 60 credits of college. I fell in love, broke some hearts, then had my own broken. Moved right before my senior year. Learned and grew more than I will in any future decade. Made many, many mistakes, but learned a lot from them. I discovered who I was, and this decade, I'm working on improving and applying what I learned.
2009 was a terrible year. It was. I started with vomit, and ended alone. Again. I slacked in school, I made lots of bad decisions. Basically...the worst year ever. However, I'm not letting that ruin my new year. This year is going to be great. All I want to be is a better person, and to focus on others more than on myself. Love is what matters.

A year ago, I wrote about what I learned my first semester at BYU. It's my first blog entry. I'll comment briefly on how I've applied what I've learned...

  1. Well, I learned that I had some health issues that caused my yeah. I learned from that.
  2. I'm still not taking classes very early. 12:00, every day. I do get up around 8 or 9 every day though.
  3. Last semester, I still didn't do my homework. I do it this semester though. I'm trying to work hard.
  4. As for studying...I've tried. I'm just so bad at it...
  5. Dating at BYU? I went out with someone a couple times last winter semester, and went on a precious few dates last semester. No one's really asked me out though. None of my roommates really date. Darn BYU.
  6. Professors...they do care. I need to care.
  7. The depressing thing is again related to my health issues. I hope I've been better about that.
  8. DVD region thing isn't a big deal. I've just been getting my german movies in english.
  9. Money...I've been trying to be better about that. A lack of a job is making it difficult though...
  10. Making friends. I try. I'm just not very good at it.
Life goes on. Grow and learn.

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