Sunday, September 12, 2010

50 questions

My casual addiction, stumbleupon, has brought me to yet another wonderfully inspiring website. It's based on a book called "Live What You Love," and it has 50 questions to ask yourself in order to help yourself discover what you really love. So I've decided to answer these questions, here for you, today. Or perhaps I'll expand this into multiple posts. Or even a whole blog! Hmm...the possibilities. Well, I'll start with the first question for now:

  1. How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment?
At this exact moment, I'm sitting in my Sunday clothes with my laptop on my lap typing up this post. I also have Facebook and the wonderfully inspiring website open in other tabs. It's 9:36 pm on a Sunday. Now, how does this make me feel? I'm pretty indifferent about it. This skirt is extremely comfortable, but my computer is getting low on battery, so I should probably go downstairs to my room and plug it in. Right now though, I'm comfortable. I'm not disappointed about what I'm doing, and I'm glad that I'm writing on my blog. I should post more, as I'd probably get better at it. I used to write in a journal, but it's been hard for me lately. There's either too much to write or not enough. Especially the not then I go into my thoughts about my life and it all goes downhill from there. So what I'm doing right now is good. I could probably be out socializing with my ward, but I don't know what they're doing. I prefer doing this. So what I feel right now about what I'm doing at this exact moment is pretty much indifference, with a slight joy from doing something productive.

Ok. So mentioning my ward reminded me. Today, my bishop got up and said that he's excited for the fall and for our ward as it currently is (all of the college kids left in the past couple of weeks). Then he challenged (or was this a commandment?) all of the guys in our ward to go on a date this week. He knew that this caused many men to panic, but they need to do it anyway. He mentioned how he'd recently spoken with a bishop that set the people in his ward up. He also said that if people didn't start going on dates, he'd have to follow in that bishop's footsteps. Now, I'm not sure if this was a joke or a threat. Bishop Calvert can be pretty serious sometimes. It's just funny how much dating and marriage get mentioned here...more than at BYU, if that's possible. 

This may have something to do with all of the single 30-somethings.



  1. i like this website! i am going to do this with you maybe.
    also that last part about having to do with all of the single 30 year olds made me laugh a lot.
    rachael. i miss you. and i'm about to write a blog post. so read it when you can! ahhhhhh.
    there is a piece of more or less exciting news. ah!

  2. good. You should do it. I've decided to do a separate blog...since there are 50 questions. It's and I've decided to answer 5 or so questions a day. Maybe. Oh well. and I'm excited to read your post. :)
