Monday, December 13, 2010

We're all the same in the dark

Wanna know a secret?
Sometimes, I have a hard time realizing that other people (especially people I don't know) are, well, people. Like me. They make mistakes. They get bored. They're complex. They honestly want pretty much the same things I want: happiness, security, love, laughter.
When I was younger, I'd occasionally get this idea into my head that everyone else was a robot, or simply here because of me. Is there any way we can know for sure if this isn't true? Can we know if things simply cease to exist when we aren't looking? 
We are creatures of faith. There are those that say that it's ridiculous to believe in something you can't hear, see, or touch. But then, we all have faith all of the time that someone isn't a fake, and that something does exist when we're not there. It's like the age-old saying "if a tree falls in a forest when no one is around to hear, does it make a sound?"
To all of you people out there: I have faith that you exist as a human being with feelings and wishes and pains and thoughts with or without me.
Just in case you were wondering.

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