Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Let's be friends

I just deleted about 100 of my "friends" on Facebook.
It's not that I disliked these people, or even that I didn't know these people at some point (it's a firm rule of mine that I never accept the friend request of someone I've never met).
No...these were mostly the vague friends from high school, people I talked to in class but never hung out with. Some are the younger people in the wards I've lived in that, well, are five years younger than me and have never spoken with me in my life. I do hope they don't get offended or anything.
It's oddly freeing to delete all of these people from my friends list...their lives are completely separate from mine. I haven't seen or spoken to them in years, so why am I "friends" with them? It's like their lives become a source of minimal entertainment when I'm bored.
Their are a few more people that I could probably delete, but I'll save them for my next Great Facebook Purge. It never hurts to have a few extra friends lying around...

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