Thursday, November 17, 2011


Is it bad that I have mixed feelings about going to school?
Don't get me wrong, I love BYU. Really. It's a great place to be, and I have superbly awesome friends there (even if one of them is going on a mission *cough* *cough* Emily *cough* *cough*). I've been wanting to go back since the day I left. Well, I didn't want to leave in the first place. I was happy in Provo, and had no close friends or connections in Colorado outside my family.
Then I somehow ended up in the singles ward, where I've been the pianist for a year and a half now. In that year and a half, I've made some major changes in my life - changes I didn't think were there to be made. But the thing is, while I was typing the paragraph about BYU, I wanted to say I was happy there, but I wasn't. Sure, I enjoyed myself and was comfortable, but I wasn't really happy. In Parker, I found happiness.
So even though I'm looking forward to going back to the wonderful place that is Happy Valley, it'll be hard to leave the life I've made here. It's just another one of many moves, but this time it's a little bit different.
PikesPeak.png (550×258)

In other news...I get to go to see the family I nanny for adopt one of their kids! So excited :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011




being or amounting to a single unit or individual or entirething, item, or object rather than two or more


only one in number; one only; unique; sole

The two words essentially mean the same thing, but have somewhat different connotations.

[Photo by Aethiopica]

When I picture "one" flower, I see just a flower. No particular background, no significant detail beyond the flower - one flower, beautiful in its simplicity. 


When I picture a "single" flower, I see one flower, but a flower in a field with no end in sight, all grass, rocks, and sky - and the one, solitary, single flower. 

One is just one, but single is alone. It's a rather depressing word to use to describe oneself when you think about it.
But then, it's better than being lone.


         being alone; without company or accompaniment; solitary; 
         unaccompanied; standing by itself or apart; isolated

When there is a "single" or "lone" flower, it is alone - but it is rarely seen this way. Instead, that lone flower growing in the desolate valley is a symbol of strength, the single rose elegant in its simplicity.

Perhaps the lone flower isn't so terrible after all.

[definitions from]