Tuesday, November 15, 2011




being or amounting to a single unit or individual or entirething, item, or object rather than two or more


only one in number; one only; unique; sole

The two words essentially mean the same thing, but have somewhat different connotations.

[Photo by Aethiopica]

When I picture "one" flower, I see just a flower. No particular background, no significant detail beyond the flower - one flower, beautiful in its simplicity. 


When I picture a "single" flower, I see one flower, but a flower in a field with no end in sight, all grass, rocks, and sky - and the one, solitary, single flower. 

One is just one, but single is alone. It's a rather depressing word to use to describe oneself when you think about it.
But then, it's better than being lone.


         being alone; without company or accompaniment; solitary; 
         unaccompanied; standing by itself or apart; isolated

When there is a "single" or "lone" flower, it is alone - but it is rarely seen this way. Instead, that lone flower growing in the desolate valley is a symbol of strength, the single rose elegant in its simplicity.

Perhaps the lone flower isn't so terrible after all.

[definitions from dictionary.com]

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