Monday, October 31, 2011

A wind rose

The past six months have been the fastest six months of my life. I feel like I just started dating Jason yesterday, and yet somehow May has turned into (almost) November. Such a short time, yet an eternity by Mormon dating standards. But then, we weren't even in an official "Facebook" relationship until a month ago. Huh. Crazy. I'm not the type to air out my dirty laundry online (well, usually), so I'm not going to. I'll just give you an update, if I can.
Every time someone asks "what's new?" the answer is always the same: not much. Still dating Jason, still working, still at home. I have been getting ready to go back to school though, which I'm psyched about. Am I looking at it as a chance to escape? I registered for classes the other day, changing my major for the nth and last time to Communication Disorders. Funny how my current job would lead me to something I'd never even considered before. I've been working on getting housing, loans, a job, everything I need to FINALLY go back. It's time. I can't wait. Many of the girls I started with as a freshman are graduating this year, many others are on missions, some (but not as many as expected) are married. The guys are all back, which is strange, especially with some of them engaged already. I feel so old sometimes. It'll be weird, going back and having my sister there. She isn't old enough to be in college!
I think the weirdest part for me about going back to school will be the experience of going back to a place and a lifestyle I've had before. It's not the same as going'd be more like going back to one of the places I've lived before and just jumping back in. Except as a completely different person. A stronger happier person. But a person ready to take the plunge back into student life?
I sure hope so.

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