Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Lovin'

Every Sunday when I leave for church, I look up the street to see if my neighbor went to church that day. He has some health issues, and I rarely see him even though our families are in the same ward and I nanny for his sister. Nine times out of ten, his car is in his driveway. It makes me sad that he doesn't really get out much, but I never really know how to help (I'm not exactly the most gifted socially), and bringing cookies just doesn't seem like enough.

The other day, I Stumbled Upon a list of creative date ideas. I liked many of the ideas on the list (and hopefully I'll get to try them out one day!), but one in particular stood out to me:
Buy flowers and give them to random people on the street who look like they need a “pick-me-up”
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to buy the guy flowers - he doesn't seem the flower type. This just really made me think about random acts of kindness I could do to brighten his, or anyone else's day.

So far, I'm just going to try and get him to come to church with a common friend of mine next week, and I am definitely going to try go give out flowers at Southlands sometime this week, but those are just a few things ideas.

What are some creative random service ideas you know of to brighten someone's day?

P.S.: This is my 100th post! Just had to let you know :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


A few days ago, I was answering some questions on Hunch when one came up asking if I had a vacation planned that's more than a year and a half in a future. I don't, unless you count going to Montana every year for the 4th of July. It makes me think of how in While You Were Sleeping, Sandra Bullock has been planning a trip to Florence since childhood.
There are a few places I want to go: ComiCon, Frankfurt during Christmastime again. It's habit for me not to plan that far ahead, since I always seem to move and change everything frequently. I just don't really have any specific trips planned.
Well, I didn't.
The question inspired me to plan a trip! Yay! In the spring of 2014, I want to go (with a few people) to Europe, and hike in the Alps. I was looking up flights to Frankfurt, and the cheapest was on Icelandair. Those flights have a long layover in Iceland! That would be cool. Other stops on the trip would include my childhood home in Eppstein, the mountain city of Bern, Milan (which I didn't realize was so far north in Italy), Lichtenstein, Austria, and Muich. It will take a fair bit of money saving, and someone to come with me, but it will be awesome. I'm not sure I've completely convinced myself to make it a full reality though, I'd best work on that.
