Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Grown Up Land

At home last year, I was nannying a lot, but I still also had a lot of time to myself. Then I came back to school and was going to school full time, but again, I had a fair amount of free time.
Spring Term started yesterday. I know summer is supposed to be laid back and everything...but I've never been more busy and tired in my life (except last week during finals and when I started working). I'm working 25+ hours a week, starting at 7 am every morning, then working right up until I have class. Then class...go homework...sleep. Eating sometimes happens in there somewhere. All I ever want to do these days is sleep. I moved into a new apartment, and I've taken to spending the few waking hours I have alone in my room, studying or watching a movie. I go to bed at 9:30 every night. Who does that? This girl, that's who. Having a social life might be easier if I was still living with people I'm friends with...and all my friends (and love interests haha) hadn't moved out of the ward. I feel like on the current track I'm taking (ie, being single and an antisocial hobbit), this is what the rest of my life is going to be like. I can see it now...after a long day of playing with little kids and teaching them to speak, I come home to my dogs and die randomly in my one thinks it strange until they see the dogs with a couple of femurs and a tibia in the back yard.
I suppose this is the moment when I'm supposed to go out and be proactive...but I'm too tired.
Good night, moon.

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