Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Yesterday I turned 20. It is the weirdest thing in the world. Have I really left my teenage years forever? My memory is so patchy I don't feel like I've been alive for two entire decades. But at the same time...For pretty much anything else in this world that's been around for 20 years, with the exception of God's wonderful natural creation, being that old means it's getting time to die, or to be thrown out, or destroyed to make way for the new. This seems to be especially true in this world where technology is constantly changing, where anything over a year old is ancient. Computers that are twenty years old are antiques. And yet, my built-in super-processor is at its prime, just finished growing. Everything about me is at my prime...supposedly. The world is at my feet. And what am I doing with it? Not much. To quote Emily's little brother, I'm "an old lady, with no money, and no boyfriend." Story. Of. My. Life. Luckily, Emily will join in my old age on Sunday. Then we can old maids together. Haha...life will be good. Life is good! I love life.

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