Saturday, February 27, 2010

History -- Fact or Fiction?

As a strong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I have understood and had faith my entire life. As taught to me since birth, faith is hope in things unseen which are true. Those outside of religion, atheists and scientists, believe in proof instead of faith. However, a short story I read today by Isaac Asimov got me thinking: can scientists really trust this "proof?" What if God just put all of their proof here on purpose? What if He created the world as already being 15 billion years old? What if He put the fossils here when He made it? (I'm not saying I believe this -- I believe something different about the Creation) The scientists really just have faith in their "proof" instead of in God. They don't know that the dinosaurs existed. For that matter, no one knows that anything before their own time even happened. It's all a matter of faith, whether it be faith in God, faith in fossils, or faith in man. In this day and age, anything can be fabricated. The entire history of the world could be fake, and we would all be none the wiser.
I'm not inclined to believe things; I'm a doubter. I've sometimes wondered if I'm the only real sentient being ever to exist, or if everyone else is in on a big joke or scheme and I'm the only one that doesn't know what's really going on. My childhood memories are spotty at best, and I sometimes doubt they even happened. I rely on others to tell me that they did. I don't even trust my own memory beyond a few years. However, I do know one thing: God lives. He loves me, and He loves you. I know that my Church is true. It is a great source of joy in my life. I know that Thomas S. Monson is God's prophet on the Earth today. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He loves us, and if we come unto Him, we can and will be saved. I love this beautiful world He has created for us. I have faith in God, in history, and in humanity.

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