Sunday, March 21, 2010

Adam and Eve

Today in Relief Society we talked about the Fall of Adam and Eve. It was a wonderful lesson by Brianon, who I love to pieces. I know that the Fall was a key part of God's plan for us, and that none of us would be here without. As I looked around the room, I just knew that every one of the women in there were descendants of Adam and Eve, and a loving Heavenly Father. It wasn't something I had faith in, or wanted to believe. I just knew it, the same way I know that pi can be used to find the circumference and the area of a circle. I didn't even feel anything special...just the complete and perfect knowledge that we are all one big family, that we are all alike in so many ways, and being with any one of those sisters would be the same as being with the sisters that share my last name. We are all just members of the human why can't I be as comfortable and happy with any of them as with those I spend more time with? I felt like I knew each of them like I know my roommates and family. It was one of the greatest things I have ever come to know.

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