Thursday, December 10, 2009

End of Classes

So I've revamped the old blog...I like it better now. Especially the picture. I do love that picture. If I had a car, I'd go up into the mountains at night and just look at the stars. Often. However, I have no car, nor do I have access to one except at home, and home is considerably farther from the mountains than Provo is.
I'm done with classes for the semesters, reading days are tomorrow and Saturday, which is also the day of my first final (this was my choice). It is cold. Very, very cold. It's barely gotten above the teens for the past three days, at night typically between -5 and 5 degrees. It's five right now. I think there's something wrong if I can show the temperature on one hand...And our super thin windows do not help very much. There is currently ice and frost on them. On the inside. Oh, I got a letter from Dalin today. That was good. I miss him a lot...It's sad that we've talked more since he's gone on his mission than we did in the entire two years between when I moved and when he left. Oh well. Nothing like a mission to bring people together...haha. Not really.
Maddie demands that I be engaged by next year. And by next year, she means 2010. In three weeks. I find this comical...who on earth does she expect me to marry? My family is obsessed. BYU is obsessed. My roommates are obsessed. My stake presidency is obsessed. Everyone! It's getting old.
Jenae is having a bad day...boy troubles, as usual. If a guy likes a girl, it makes sense for him to get her number. Not this guy. Poor girl. Oh well. Life goes on. We'll both find someone eventually.

Is this a kind of magic?

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