Friday, June 11, 2010


My mom gets "Martha Stewart Living," and her July issue came in the mail today. I was looking through it, and there was an article about gardening in Pennsylvania. There were so many pictures of, well, green. I miss green. The East is so beautiful with it's greenery covering every inch. In Georgia much of it was Kudzu, but it was still beautiful. There are those that would argue that Colorado is green...ish. It has its own beauty in the expansive sky, and the mountains as well, but far from where I live. The green here is a pale comparison to the eastern United States. And Germany...I miss Germany the most. In the East, much of the green is from growth like Kudzu, but in Germany, it's all just trees. Trees were everywhere in the Taunus. I miss trees. I miss the low cloud cover, and the beautiful lightning storms we could see from our high vantage in the hills.
I wish I had appreciated Germany more when I lived there. I had the opportunity of a lifetime: an international ward and an international school. I went to school with students from all over the world, and heard their views on the Iraqi war when it started. I had the chance to see the war from a different point of view: the world's view of us, America, the most powerful nation in the world. But I was twelve, thirteen, fourteen...and I wasted it.

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