Thursday, January 13, 2011


A few weeks ago, I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button for the first time (it's an odd movie). At one point in the movie, the director explores the fact that every single little decision and action people make has an effect on everyone else. Because of a whole sequence of little events, something crucial happens to one of the characters that would not have happened if just one of those things hadn't happened.
Every day, everyone affects everyone else, in ways both big and small. It's been said that we are a product of our decisions. Instead, I would say that we are not only a product of our own decisions, but of everyone else's as well. Each minute, subconscious choice can change everything. Leaving your apartment on time, making the light then looking up just in time to making eye contact with a random person on the street could change their thought process just enough to prompt them to change something, or take action where they might not have before. You being late could make waves enough to distract someone from the lesson, causing them to do poorly on a test, which lowers their grade enough to lose their scholarship, which goes to someone else that really needed it and could finally get a social life or even graduate from school. Clicking on that one link could lead you to a post that could change your mind, and your life. Each choice, each action makes ripples in the pond that could even affect people on the other side of the world, or those that haven't yet come into the world.
So thank you for doing everything that you do. Thank you for making mistakes, leaving late, smiling at strangers, and going just a couple miles over the speed limit. Thank you for being you, and making me.
Thank you for making ripples in the pond.

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