Friday, August 26, 2011

One More Thing...

We, as Young Single Adults, in general do not like to admit that we would like to get married. The usual fear is that that would make us appear "desperate," which is bad.
And so, I would like to ask, shouldn't we all be desperate? Desperately searching for that eternal love and friendship that will bring us so much happiness? Desperate for the joy that can only come from having a family of our own? Desperate for, oh, Exaltation?
Why is our present pride more important than eternal happiness?
I wish I didn't have that same fear of admitting it; if I was unafraid, I'd share this on Facebook. I'm working on it though, so I'll take the first step:
Hi. My name is Rachael. I am 21 years old, and I want to get married!


A few weeks ago, I started attending a special Sunday School class taught by my old Bishop and his wife: marriage prep. I figured, why not. Sounds alright. I might as well stop hiding the fact that I do, in fact, want to get married. I'm in a Single's Ward, that's what we're all really there for anyway.
Well, this past week, the class was assigned to follow the time-honored tradition of Mia Maids and missionaries in making a list of traits we're looking for in a future spouse. I actually made that list my freshman year on this blog, so I decided just to update it.

  • Virtuous
  • confident
  • intelligent
  • spiritual
  • wants kids
  • good with kids
  • loves his family
  • courteous
  • supports me in my goals
  • willing to work together to make exaltation with our eternal family our main priority
  • generally happy
  • sensitive, but not overly emotional
  • likes to read
  • loves to learn
  • funny
  • will be silly with me
  • polite
  • has a geeky side
  • congenial
  • treats me well
  • knows his limits, financially and personally
  • thinks for himself, doesn't always require approval
  • strong
  • optimistic, but realistic
  • understanding
  • slow to anger
  • makes me feel beautiful & delicate with actions and words
  • appreciates the arts & beauty in nature

We were also supposed to make a list of what we want to be like when we get married, and, well, that list is pretty much the same for me. A few things aren't exactly strengths for me (yet!), but it really is me in general. If this was true for everyone, or they made two lists of their own, can you imagine the possibilities? All we'd have to do is exchange lists with people, and if it's a pretty good match, then awesome! A match made in heaven. You know, I think that's the idea behind eHarmony...although their way is a bit more complicated and overbearing. They make it an ordeal. This is a simple Sunday School lesson!
Perhaps I should start taking my list with me to Church functions and on dates...just hand it out and anyone that doesn't fit the list at least pretty well need not apply. Easy enough, right?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Embarrassing Moments

This memory was on my mind for some reason today, so I thought I'd share.
One night during my freshman year at BYU, I was walking home from the testing center - I think it was around finals time. It was dark, and I was heading East towards my dorm in Heritage. As I was lost in thought looking at the mountains, I saw a small glow appear in Provo Canyon. When I registered what I was seeing, I kind of freaked out a little bit. There was a glow growing in the canyon - I was thinking it was an alien or a fire or some dramatic light show. I walked a bit more quickly as I neared home, confused as to what one Earth (or otherwise!) It could be. I rushed into my apartment, finding only one of my roommates home: Jana. I quickly explained to her what I had seen, taking her outside to show her.
Then, with a bit of a disbelieving tone, she said, "that's the moon, Rachael."