Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's the End of the World as We Know it

Random observation -- Most of the people at the Wilk At 9:30 on the day before school starts are either male or asian (or both). I think this says something about returned missionaries and the penchant of non-RM students (who are mostly female) to sleep in whenever they possiblyt can (like my roommates).
It's 2012 - A year I always thought was so far away. Well, now it's here. I started it with driving out to Utah with my sister on New Year's day.
Discoveries from this trip: try not to be on I-70 when the sun is setting, since you're driving directly into the sun at that point. Maneuvering around semis while going 80 mph and with extremely low visibility is not exactly fun. Also, even though one might have the desire to find geocaches at certain rest stops, you must have service to load and find said geocaches.
Now I'm at BYU, a student again after over a year and a half at home. My roommates are alright, kinda loud and obnoxious as college girls tend to be. But they're nice, so it shouldn't be too bad living with them.
It's sad to leave and weird to be here, which is about all I can say to describe it.
Since it's the new year, I figured I'd make some resolutions. I thought of some the other night...but I can't really remember them at the moment.

  • Eat healthy
  • Act healthy
  • Sleep healthy
  • Do something I don't want to every day (although getting up in the morning typically qualifies)
  • Get at least one Geocache a week
  • Go on at least one hike every month
  • Be friendly
  • Act happy
  • Save money
  • Study
  • Do ALL homework
  • Raise my GPA by at least 1.0
  • Get into BYU Singers
  • Stay organized
  • Use less computer
  • Read non-textbooks at least half an hour a day
  • Study scriptures at least half an hour a day
  • Finish the BoM
  • "be wise and diligent in [my] search for an eternal companion"
  • Exercise on M/W mornings
  • Go to school without any loans in the Fall
I'm sure there are plenty more goals I could come up with, but this will work for now. 

Happy New Year, good luck and God bless you.

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