Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remember Remember

I watched Remember the Titans a few days ago, and it really got me thinking about racism.
We have a racism problem in our country, but it's different than ever before: not only are whites against blacks and blacks against whites, but many are racist towards others of their own race as well.
In America, we have many cultures coming together, forged into a new culture. Every other nation has had the ability to evolve into what they are now, but America has completely chosen its destiny. The problem is, this is difficult when there are so many competing inherited ideas.
Now, it is great to embrace and respect our own and others' cultural heritage. It is a defining characteristic of most people. However, Americans, especially white Americans, have no cultural heritage, as our forefathers sought to forge their own past, present, and future, separate from the world. It's true, I could get in touch with my German, Swedish, French, and British roots, and I want to. However, most white Americans don't particularly care about their heritage. Because of this, many whites find it somewhat difficult to respect others' cultures. Yes, it's cool and fun to watch and experience other cultures, but it doesn't really matter that much. Let's go see a movie.
The cultures existing inside the U.S. have come to cling to one another. Many have decided that it should define an individual to the point that it controls one's ideas, beliefs, and goals. As part of the founding ideals of America, though, we believe in individualism; that every one is entitled to his or her own views, regardless of socioeconomic status, religion, or race. This isn't to say that someone can't choose to embrace the ideas of their culture or religion (I strive to live the ideals of my religion in all areas of my life), but because of the push for individual recognition and the idea that everyone should be defined by their culture, there has become a clash of ideas in this country. There has come to be a fine line between having cultural influences in one's life and racism.
There shouldn't be hatred or scorn towards those that choose paths different from those of their typical cultural or religious ideals.
An easy way to completely rid the world of racism is to completely eradicate culture. Instead, let's embrace the individual with their culture, with no stereotypical judgments based on beliefs, ideas, or color.
It's worth a shot.

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
~The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, by Joseph Smith

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