Thursday, October 28, 2010


I haven't written about my life here's wassup
I've been making Christmas cards almost constantly for the past three mom and I decided to make Etsy businesses, so greeting cards are mine. I should get some of them up tomorrow (hopefully), so check my shop out when you've got the chance.
I've rediscovered that oftentimes logic and reality don't coincide. have to take a leap of faith and accept the truth, then God will fill in the gaps.
I love fall. It's my favorite season. It only lasts a couple of weeks here...but I love it. It hasn't snowed yet, oddly enough.
Even with my love of the beautiful Colorado autumn, I wish I wish I wish it was Christmas. I've wanted it to be Christmas for at least two months already...I absolutely adore Christmas with all of my heart. Can it be here yet?
It's amazing how two piano students can have completely different issues. It's also amazing how easily seven year olds are distracted.
I miss BYU.
I finally did something I've been needing to do for a VERY long time. Years. and more years. I'm glad I got it over with.
Did you know you can add scents to embossing powder? Cinnamon Christmas cards, here I come.
I've had terrible insomnia for the past week or so...mine brain just won't shut up. Over nothing.
I love math.
and engineering.
and music.
and art.
and life.

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