Thursday, April 8, 2010

Money Money Money

I don't know if I've ever mentioned how much I dislike money. It's not because I'm extremely poor at the moment; I felt this way even when I had money before I started college. There have been many time when I have had to pay for, applied to a job for, or just seen that I would be beyond willing to do for free. Even the job that I'm to school for (I'm studying math education) I would be happy to do for free. I never really feel the need for compensation for what I do. More and more lately, I fail to see the real point of money: we work to make money, to buy things that only cost money because someone else needs that money to buy things that cost money. I would give up money in a heartbeat if I didn't need it to survive in this country.
Sometimes, I can't wait until the Millennium when we get to live the Law of Consecration.

Jenae and I went to the dollar theater today. Last time we went, the manager saw Jenae trying to sneak a soda in. He was angry. The thing one wants to by things from the theater. It costs so much money for something that is worth so little. The whole entertainment industry has taken the fact that people will always want to see movies and go to sporting events that they've jacked up the prices to exorbitant amounts for something that really isn't worth it. Movie stars, musicians, and professional athletes don't deserve what they're making. It makes me so mad when people complain about how much doctors and CEOs make when they actually work for their money. People need to start complaining about the money that the entertainment industry is making. Imagine, if even for only one week, no one watched TV, no one went to movies, no one bought music, no one went to any concerts, no one went to a pro sporting event. The effects on the industry would be enormous. We need to take a stand against this monopoly that we call Hollywood. Robert Downy Jr. deserves no more money than my first grade teacher. He deserves less. It makes more sense to complain about the money these people make than to complain about politicians' paychecks, and I have issues with those. If we could bring down the entertainment industry prices...but it will never happen. America is too starstruck. That's why Obama won. That's why we still go to movies when they cost over $10 a show. That's why we pay hundreds of dollars for concert tickets and the big game. If only...

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