Saturday, April 10, 2010

The truth.

Want to know the real reason I've had such a hard time choosing a major? It's not really because I love everything. I do love learning all of these things, but no major here can provide me with the occupation I have wanted more than anything else my entire life: motherhood. Every time I see a mother and child together, a family or just a baby, I feel this deep, innate yearning for children of my own. More than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life, I want to be a mother.
I know this sounds like a typical BYU girl idea. The thing is, the marriage part is just a means to an end. Don't get me wrong, I want to get married. I'd be happy with that. It's hard to express how much I want children, though. I love my children more than life itself, and they're not even born yet. I feel this love so strongly I can hardly think of anything else. This goes beyond the "motherly instinct." No, this is my true calling in life: motherhood.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Rachael, this was sweet.
    They need this major at BYU! I mean, it's BYU!
    P.S. I would just like to let you know that I misspelled someone's name (who was Rachel). Instead of Rachel, I put Rachael. That's the first time I've ever done that! Insane!
