Sunday, May 2, 2010

Family Wards

The Auburn Hills Ward is a completely different beast than my singles is a completely different experience.
There are around 250 kids in the primary, and so sacrament meeting is never even close to quiet. Luckily my family always sits in front...I can't even imagine what the noise is like in the back. It takes twelve deacons to pass the Sacrament. There were a lot of people gone today (we only took up half the gym past the overflow), so it only took about twenty minutes. If everyone's sister says that they regularly have eighteen deacons passing. Gospel Doctrine was pretty empty for a ward this size, since everyone has a calling in Primary. My parents are among the oldest ten couples in the ward-they're 44. There were five or six babies born in the past month, and there was a baby blessing today...they're trying to spread them out. There was also a double baptism yesterday, and there was a new family read into the ward today. Every time I go home I recognize less and less people, since there's usually at least one new family each week and I haven't been home in four months. The thing is, they can't split the ward since most of the ward is under the age of ten. Did I mention we have three nurseries? My ward is like a teenage boy that just hit his growth spurt...except that this growth spurt has lasted since before my family moved in. The Auburn Hills Ward was created two years before my family moved in, and we've been here for three years now. We're considered an older family.
My ward is like going to a different church after my BYU ward. Weird.

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