I've found the perfect solution.
(I love stumbleupon)
A woman named Sandra Foster was featured on the New York Times website with the tiny Victorian cottage she created.
Ms. Foster lives on 14 acres of land in the Catskills with her husband in a trailer. She created a place to escape to (I don't blame her - I'm not sure I could live in a tiny trailer with someone all day), only accessible by crossing a stream on the property. The cottage started out as an old hunting cabin, which she restored herself into a beautiful little Victorian cottage for one. Much of the decor and furniture is handmade or from the flea market, and she did all of the carpentry herself. There's even a loft with a gorgeous bed area.
I wish I had her house. Well, not hers exactly. Part of what I love about it is that she did it herself. Not many people know this about me, but I really like woodworking. I had a shop class in middle school, and I loved it. I love that she did all of the decor herself, all of the painting. And all of the space!
I'm not saying that I'd copy it exactly...
but it sounds like heaven.
oh! her house was so cool! but i think it was a l(ot)ittle too much white for me haha