Saturday, February 19, 2011


In March's issue of Wired, there is an article about a factory in China that manufactures Apple products. The workers work, eat, and sleep all on factory property. The article discusses the 17 factory worker suicides in the past few years, and whether or not part of the fault lies with the consumers of Apple products.
Each day, a worker wakes up in his dorm, works for ten hours, eats in the cafeteria, and goes back "home" to his dorm. From this description, I'm not too surprised about the suicides.
These workers lead a meaningless life. The workers are living for the sake of being alive, working almost like slaves simply to be fed and sheltered. Their only purpose is to survive. They have no family other than the occasional girlfriend or boyfriend within the factory. Most Chinese are atheists. Honestly, if I lived that life, I probably would have killed myself. I need purpose in my life, and making an iPhone for a rich American would not fulfill that need. I don't think I ever quite understood existentialism as well as I do after reading that article.
We that are a bit more well off than those factory workers, even though we have more to live for other than survival itself, frequently feel the same void. What are we living for? What is the point of mindlessly working for food, shelter, and pleasure? Are our lives much more meaningful than those workers?
I think most of the world would like to be living for a higher purpose. Many find this purpose in worldly things, whether for selfish gain or through providing comfort for others. But in the end, the question can still be asked: why? Why get money? Why be happy now, when it's all going to end in a few more years? Why help others when they're just going to die anyway? What's the point?
Many turn to religion for answers, although I think a lot of the answers most religions provide aren't very satisfactory. What the Catholics believe is pretty good: "So we can find truth in knowing God, happiness in loving Him, and real meaning in serving Him." It doesn't really give us long-term purpose though; are we just going to laze around Heaven when we die? That kind of sounds boring.
This is one of the things I love about my religion. To quote from
God wants all of His children to progress and become more like Him. This time on Earth provides opportunities for you to grow and progress. Coming here allows you to:
  • Receive a physical body.
  • Exercise agency and learn to choose between good and evil.
  • Learn and gain experience that will help you become more like your Heavenly Father.
  • Form family relationships that may become eternal.
By following our Heavenly Father’s plan, you—like all of His children—can someday return to live with Him and with your loved ones. You can have greater peace in this life and eternal joy in the life to come.
We believe that after we die, we can continue to progress. We don't live simply to please ourselves, but instead to be with our family and friends forever. We believe that life doesn't end with death.
My faith bring me so much peace and joy, in knowing that my purpose is not to find comfort and food like an animal. It gives me something to look forward to, and a foundation for everything I do. It's truly wonderful.

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