Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Get to Know Your Friendly Neighborhood Rachael Month: Day 1

That really needs an acronym or something... GtKYFNRM. Catchy, yet not quite right. GYR. Perfect.

Anyway, see my previous post from today for an explanation... I'll add a link or something maybe probably not.

1.List 20 random facts about yourself.

  • Looking up at snow falling inexplicably puts a smile on my face.
  • I'd rather sing a solo every Sunday in church than give one talk.
  • I have never hiked the Y. I want to.
  • I want to go back to the little town I lived in in Germany (Eppstein) so much.
  • I got a 92 on my Intro to Communication Disorders test today!
  • I have a love affair with the sky, both the beautiful blue of a sunny afternoon and the stars at night.
  • All the Spanish I know comes from taking Spanish in the 1st and 3rd grades.
  • I went to Girls' Camp in Switzerland one year.
  • The year before that it was on a military base. It wasn't as cool as it sounds.
  • I watched School of Rock for the first time on Monday. It was excellent.
  • I read the Book of Mormon for the first time all the way through last year. I'm quickly devouring it a second time currently.
  • I want to one day perform for a paying myself.
  • All my birthmarks seem to have faded away.
  • I think cadavers are cool.
  • I play as Luigi on Mario Kart, riding the Standard Bike M. I dare you to race me.
  • I cook because I like good food, not necessarily for the love of cooking.
  • I can count to 5 in English, German, ASL, Spanish, French, and Japanese.
  • I want to have a gigantic garden and live in the mountains in the future.
  • I had to take the second half of the New Testament three times. It's hard to go to that class...
  • I'd rather drink water than soda.

This project actually kind of reminds me of another blog I had for a little bit...

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