Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GYR: Sieben

7. What is your dream job, and why?

This one has certainly changed over the years for me...I've wanted to do everything from terraform Mars to teach high school math. There are still some jobs that I think sound great, like aerospace engineering, but I really love my current career path. The Communication Disorders major is just so interesting for me, since it combines so many things that I love: biology, language, puzzles, theories, the brain, speaking and singing, hearing...I just love it. Eventually I hope to work either in a hospital or in some sort of private practice doing early intervention, which is helping babies and toddlers learn to speak and overcome their language problems before they're very old. I'd love to somehow tie music into it all, especially singing, but that's just a dream.
What I really want to do with my life, for a few decades at least, is the best job in the world: mother. It's difficult and demanding both emotionally and physically, and requires no special schooling. That's not to say I won't use that schooling I have, and I hope to learn as much as I can about everything I can in order to help my children grow into wise and intelligent adults. Haha. I hope so. I figure once I get my masters I can probably do both once my kids are a little older. Once I have kids. Once I'm married. Once I get there.
So for now, I'm more than happy to be on my current path, towards what I never saw as my dream job until just recently.

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